A Few Things You Should Know About Right To Repair
Just imagine this scenario for a minute or two. You’re a college student at Clark University in Worcester, MA. A few short years ago you spend over $1,500 of your hard earned summer earnings on a brand new laptop computer. Now, it can barely hold a charge. You need to have the ability to compute while on the go, which is why you bought a laptop instead of a desktop computer in the first place. Since your battery isn’t holding a charge you’re constantly searching for an outlet wherever you go on campus. It’s a complete and utter pain. Here’s a few things you should know about Right To Repair…
So, you start looking into how much a new battery will cost only to find out that it’s impossible to install yourself in the particular model that you own. Furthermore, only a factory authorized repair technician can install the battery. That means your local computer repair shop cannot do the job. That also means it is going to be incredibly expensive to have a simple battery replaced. You don’t want to spend the money on a new machine. Other than the battery issue, your laptop works great. You shouldn’t have to dip into your savings.
You shouldn’t need to spend so much money to have the new battery installed, and you certainly shouldn’t need to buy a brand new machine. If you’re suffering through this experience you’re not alone. It’s pretty common with electronics such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, and components in automobiles. The good news is that as products become more and more difficult to repair, there is a growing movement that is pushing to have legislation passed. It’s called right-to-repair. If the legislation passes it will make third party electronics repair a whole lot easier.
This is due to the fact that your local computer repair shop will have access to the repair tools that certain manufacturers have been holding back. The entire concept behind the right-to-repair movement is that you have the right to repair your products yourself or get to choose who fixes then for you. Right-to-repair supporters, such as laptop manufacturers, will try to convince you that anything with a chip inside is typically impossible to repair. That is only true because they design the components to be that way.
For example, it may be impossible to change your battery because the access has a unique type of screw that only a particular tool can unscrew. If the computer manufacturer does not release the tool to the general public or even local computer repair shops, they are the only ones that can change the battery.
Hamilton Computer Repairs specializes in computer support, service, and repairs. From desktops to laptops we have you covered when it comes to repairing your computer. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service. In fact, our entire business was built on the principal of removing “the mechanic fear” that’s associated with up front policies, pricing, and timeframes. At Hamilton Computer Repairs we are fully committed to doing our absolute best in order to set realistic expectations for each and every one of our valued customers. Our office is conveniently located in Worcester, MA. We are truly a locally owned business with fast repair times and reliable services. Please contact us for a consultation or a quote today!